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发布日期:2021-11-01 浏览量:


张翔,重庆大学管理学博士,重庆理工大学会计学院副教授,硕士研究生导师,会计学院国际合作部副主任,重庆理工大学士继英才青年拔尖人才,《重庆理工大学学报(社科)》青年编委,中国政府审计研究中心特约研究员。法国图卢兹经济学院统计与计量硕士研究生,法国埃克斯马赛大学银行与金融计量硕士研究生。先后在Energy Economics, Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, International Review of Financial Analysis, Finance Research Letters, Accounting & Finance, Sustainable Cities and Society等高水平期刊发表高水平论文10余篇,主持省部级课题多项。主要研究邻域包括:公司金融、能源环境经济、经济增长。


[1] Firm’s perception of economic policy uncertainty and corporate innovation efficiency. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2023, 8, 100371. 通讯

[2] Institutional development, political uncertainty, and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters. 2023. 53. 103623. 一作

[3] Cash Holdings Trends Influenced by Market Competitiveness: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023, Online. 通讯

[4] Examining the Impact of Idiosyncratic Risk on Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from China. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023, Online. 通讯

[5] Stock Liquidity and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from the New Regulation of Insider Selling in China. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023, Online. 通讯

[6] The role of oil price shocks on exchange rates for the selected Asian countries: Asymmetric evidence from nonlinear ARDL and generalized IRFs approaches. Energy Economics. 2022. 112. 106178. 一作

[7] The effect of market competition on corporate cash holdings: An analysis of corporate innovation and financial constraint. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2022. 82. 102163. 一作

[8] Grabbing hand or financial constraint mitigation effect? A reexamination of the relationship between institutional development and cash holdings. Accounting & Finance. 2022. 00. 1-25. 一作

[9] Regional integration and city-level energy efficiency: Evidence from China. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2022. 88. 104285. 三作

[10] Oil price uncertainty and cash holdings: Evidence from China. Energy Economics. 2020. 87.104732. 一作

[11]有恒产者的恒心:农民工住房状况与就业稳定性研究.西部论坛, 2021, 31(06):67-80.

[12] 城市房价、定居意愿与户籍差异—对农民工“流入而留不下”的一个解释.西北人口, 2022, 43(01):51-63.


[1] 重庆市教委人文社科项目:行政区划整合视角下统一大市场建设对碳排放效率提升路径及政策效应研究。2023-2024,项目负责人。

[2] 重庆市社科规划项目:贸易政策不确定性背景下能源价格对重庆出口贸易影响机制及对策研究。2022-2024,项目负责人。

[3] 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目:长江经济带区域一体化政策对企业环境绩效的影响机制及对策研究。2022-2023,项目负责人。


[1] 2023中国会计与金融国际会议, 西安, 2023.01.06-2023.01.08.


[3]13ACIEK(Winter)- IMIP(2022)会议,江苏南京,2022.10.15-2022.10.17,获得优秀论文奖

[4] 第四届企业金融会议(特里尔),德国,特里尔,2019.7.2-2019.7.3


[1] 重庆理工大学学报(社科)青年编委

[2] 匿名审稿人:Energy Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Small Business Economics, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Sustainability

