u 个人简介
王新鑫,副教授,硕士生导师。2014年获得兰州理工大学材料加工专业博士学位。2015加入重庆理工大学材料科学与工程学院。主要从事焊接物理、高效焊接方法和焊接过程数值模拟方面的教学和研究工作。《Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer》、《Mater. & Des.》、《Vacuum》、《Appl. Math. Model.》和《Plasma Chem. Plasma Process.》国际期刊审稿人。在国内外重要刊物《J. Phys. D: App. Phys.》、《Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer》、《App. Therm. Eng.》、《Plasma Chem. Plasma Process.》、《物理学报》、《金属学报》、《机械工程学报》、《焊接学报》等发表论文二十余篇,主持和参与国家级和省部级项目6项。
u 研究领域
u 承担的主要项目
u 代表性成果
[1]Xinxin Wang, Yi Luo, Ding Fan. Investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in high current GTA welding by a unified model. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 142: 20-29
[2]Xinxin Wang, Yi Luo, Guangfeng Wu, Luxin Chi, Ding Fan. Numerical simulation of metal vapour behavior in double electrodes TIG welding. Plasma Chemistry Plasma Process, 2018, 38: 1095-1114
[3]Xinxin Wang, Jiankang Huang, Yong Huang, Ding Fan, Yanning Guo. Investigation of heat transfer andfluidflow in activating TIG welding by numerical modeling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113: 27-35
[4]Xinxin Wang, Ding Fan, Jiankang Huang, Yong Huang. Numerical simulation of arc plasma and weld pool in double electrodes tungsten inert gas welding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 85: 924-934
[5]Xinxin Wang, Ding Fan, Jiankang Huang, Yong Huang. A unified model of coupled arc plasma and weld pool for double electrodes TIG welding. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014, 47(27): 275202 (14pp)
[6]Xinxin Wang, Yi Luo, Ding Fan. Metal vapor behavior in double electrodes TIG welding, China Welding, 2018, 27(3): 27-34
[7]王新鑫,迟露鑫,伍光凤,李春天,樊丁. Ar-O2混合气体电弧的数值模拟.物理学报, 2019, 68(17): 178102 (10pp)
[8]王新鑫,樊丁,黄健康,黄勇.双钨极耦合电弧数值模拟.物理学报, 2013,62(22): 228101(1-10)
[9]王新鑫,樊丁,黄健康,黄勇.双钨极TIG电弧-熔池传热与流动数值模拟.金属学报. 2015, 51(2): 178~190
[10]王新鑫,樊丁,黄健康,黄勇. TIG焊电弧-熔池传热与流动数值模拟.机械工程学报, 2015, 51(10): 69~78
[11]黄勇,王新鑫,瞿怀宇,樊丁.工艺参数对耦合AA-TIG焊电弧阳极电流密度的影响.焊接学报, 2014, 35(2): 45-49
[12]黄勇,李慧,王新鑫,姚宇航.不同驱动力对熔池表面变形行为影响的数值模拟.焊接学报, 2016, 37(8): 5-9
[13]黄勇,瞿怀宇,王新鑫,樊丁.阳极温度分布对耦合电弧AA-TIG高速焊焊缝成形的影响.焊接学报, 2013, 34(9): 13-16
[14]黄勇,刘林,王新鑫,陆肃中. TIG电弧等离子体双温度数值模拟.焊接学报, 2018, 39(10): 7-10
[15]樊丁,黄自成,黄健康,王新鑫,黄勇.考虑金属蒸汽的定点活性钨极惰性气体保护焊电弧与熔池交互作用三维数值分析.物理学报, 2015, 64(10): 108102 (10pp)
[16]樊丁,刘自刚,黄勇,王新鑫.电弧辅助活性TIG焊焊缝组织及性能分析.焊接学报,2014, 35(4): 1-5
[17]王新鑫,罗怡,樊丁. Ar-O2混合气体电弧传热传质特性的数值分析.第23次全国焊接学术会议论文, 2019.10,西安
[18]Xinxin Wang, Luxin Chi, Zicheng Huang, Ding Dan. Numerical analysis of metal vapor in double electrodes TIG welding. International Institution Welding Annual Assembly and International Conference, June 2017, Shanghai, China
[19]Xinxin Wang, Luxin Chi, Ding Dan.Metal vapor behavior in double electrodes TIG welding. 7thInternational Conference on WSE-3rdInternational Symposium CAWE, 2017, Jinan, China
u 联系方式